Kata Kata Cinta Bahasa Inggris - Kata kata cinta adalah hal yang biasa di berikan
seseorang untuk memikat lawan jenis. Banyak yang merasa bahwa memberikan kata
kata cinta menggunakan bahasa Indonesia merupakan hal yang biasa-biasa saja,
maka dari itu tidak sedikit orang yang mencari kata kata cinta bahasa Inggris
untuk diberikan pada lawan jenisnya dengan harapan agar terlihat lebih istimewa
dan keren.
Cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang tidak bisa
ditebak kedatangannya dan tujuannya. Cinta juga dapat membuat keadaan menjadi
lebih baik atau keadaan menjadi lebih buruk.
Kalau cinta membuat keadaan menjadi lebih baik,
maka itu adalah suatu hal yang positif, namun apa jadinya jika cinta datang
justru membuat keadaan menjadi lebih buruh? Maka yang terjadi adalah galau dan
tidak semangat untuk beraktifitas.
Banyak orang yang rela melakukan apa saja demi
mendapatkan cintanya. Tak sedikit juga orang yang melakukan hal buruk untuk
mendapatkan cinta.
Salah satu hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendapatkannya adalah dengan menggunakan kata-kata cinta yang dapat menghipnotis atau sering juga disebut romantis.
Kata-Kata Romantis Untuk Pasangan Bahasa Inggris
& Artinya
"Love is the way my most happiest of my life”
“Mencintaimu adalah cara ku yang paling terindah dalam
"I come in the name of love and now you come
to bring white love that is so sweet inherent in the recesses of my soul”
“Aku datang atas nama cinta dan kini kau datang membawa putih
cintamu yang begitu manis melekat dalam relung jiwaku."
"You're not me. I am not you. That is why we
are united, are complementary and mutually reinforcing.”
“Kau bukan aku. Aku bukan dirimu. Itulah
mengapa kita bersatu, saling melengkapi dan saling menguatkan."
"I wish you the one who is able to make me
always smiling.”
Aku ingin kamu lah orang yang mampu membuatku selalu
"I always pray for the good and happiness of us and
therefore your name and my name are always in my prayers.”
“Aku selalu berdoa untuk kebaikan dan kebahagiaan kita
maka dari itu namanu dan namaku selalu ada dalam doaku."
"I do everything for you, because I love you,
I also do not want to lose you, I hope we will always be together.”
“Aku melakukan semuanya demi kamu, karena aku sayang kamu,
aku juga tidak ingin kehilangan kamu, aku berharap kita bisa selalu bersama."
"Suunny morning when with you, a wonderful
night when listening to your voice, a happy heart when have you forever.”
“Pagi yang cerah ketika bersamamu, malam yang indah ketika
mendengarkan suara mu, hati yang bahagia ketika memiliki mu selamanya."
"Falling and failing is common, but fell at the heart of the
new incredible and it just happened to you and that I.”
“Jatuh dan gagal sudah biasa, tetapi jatuh pada suatu hati
itu baru luar biasa dan itu hanya terjadi pada kamu dan itu aku."
"I want to be your ribs will always strengthen. And when you
fall awaken you. “
“Aku ingin menjadi tulang rusukmu yang akan selalu
menguatkanmu. Dan membangkitkan mu di saat kamu terjatuh."
"I do not want to ever make you cry, because
a drop of your tears is a million regrets.”
“Ku tak akan pernah ingin membuat mu menangis, karena setitik air mata mu adalah sejuta penyesalan ku."
Setelah sobat membaca semua kata kata cinta bahasa inggris diatas. Sekarang waktunya sobat share kata kata cinta
tersebut ke pasangan atau orang yang ingin sobat luluhkan hatinya.
Dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris, kemungkinan
sobat akan terlihat lebih keren, pintar dan tentunya menambah nilai plus.
210 Comment(s)
Great info, Thanks
Nice info, Thanks
World class information, thanks
top notch information, much obliged
your writing inspires me, thank you
it\'s blow my mind reading your article, thanks
keep writing like this bro, very inspiring
very good reading material, it\'s help me kill the time
it\'s always pleasure reading your article, keep it up bro
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
Great info, Thanks
Nice info, Thanks
Great Writing, glad to found this Article
Nice writing, great for my brain
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Thank you so much for sharing. I have found it extremely helpful…
Thank you for your advice and tips for reading! God bless you
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
fabulous article, good to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
This reading material is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
Feel so good reading your article, than you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i like your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i like your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i enjoy reading your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i enjoy reading your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i enjoy reading your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Admirable Post for filling my brain, thanks
Best reading material so far, thanks mate
Creating good one as always, great articl sir
Definitely happy to read this post
Extraordinary post you have here, thak you
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
certum est quod certum reddi potest
deus dat incrementum
eluceat omnibus lux
ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
certum est quod certum reddi potest
deus dat incrementum
eluceat omnibus lux
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