Wedding ring menjadi harta berharga yang melambangkan ikatan
pernikahan yang melekat di jari manis. Cincin kawin tersebut akan terus melekat
terus-menerus, agar kilaunya tetap terjaga. Calon pengantin wajib tahu cara
merawatnya sehingga cincin tidak kusam karena logam mulia juga sensitif dengan
kandungan zat yang tidak disadari merusak cincin. Serta faktor lainnya yang
akan diungkapkan di bawah ini.
Pilih rajin bersihkan
di toko perhiasan atau membersihkan sendiri
Untuk merawat cincin lebih baik diserahkan pada yang
lebih ahli dengan mengunjungi toko perhiasan sekali atau dua kali selama
sebulan. Tentu mereka lebih mengerti cara membuat cincin tetap bersinar, bahkan
juga dapat memperbaiki goresan yang membekas pada lingkar cincin.
Tidak punya banyak waktu ke toko perhiasan, anda juga
dapat merawatnya sendiri di rumah. Cara yang dilakukan pun mudah dan praktis,
dengan menyediakan pasta gigi atau cairan pembersih. Oleskan pasta gigi atau
cairan pembersih dengan menyikat lembut menggunakan sikat gigi. Lalu bilas
dengan air hangat dan keringkan.
Lepas cincin ketika
melakukan aktivitas tertentu
Pada beberapa kegiatan seperti berenang, berkebun atau
melakukan kegiatan berat lainnya dapat menyebabkan kilau cincin pudar atau
tergores. Akan lebih baik Anda melepas saat melakukan kegiatan tersebut. Selain
itu bahan kimia yang tergandung pada produk rumah tangga dapat merusak cincin
kawin yang disarankan melepasnya selama melakukan kegiatan tersebut.
Saat bepergian jauh
Terkadang tanpa disadari cincin dapat terlepas jatuh dan
hilang. Tidak ingin kejadian tersebut terjadi, untuk mencegahnya ketika
melakukan perjalanan jauh seperti bepergian lebih baik melepas cincin agar
lebih aman.
214 Comment(s)
Great info, Thanks
Nice info, Thanks
World class information, thanks
top notch information, much obliged
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it\'s blow my mind reading your article, thanks
keep writing like this bro, very inspiring
very good reading material, it\'s help me kill the time
it\'s always pleasure reading your article, keep it up bro
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
Great info, Thanks
Nice info, Thanks
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You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
fabulous article, good to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
You got yourself a good article here mate, thanks for writing it
The article is like nourishment for my brain, much obliged
Catch my attention with your good writing, thanks
Nice reading your article, than you
fabulous article, nice to know your blog
Good quality article here, glad to found it
This reading material is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
Feel so good reading your article, than you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i like your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i like your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i enjoy reading your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i enjoy reading your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Right to the point, i enjoy reading your writing sir
Your article is like nourishment for my brain, i really enjoy to read it
Catch my eyes for this good writing, thank you very much
My brain dancing after reading this article, thank you
fabulous writing, good to know your blog
Admirable Post for filling my brain, thanks
Best reading material so far, thanks mate
Creating good one as always, great articl sir
Definitely happy to read this post
Extraordinary post you have here, thak you
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Please support me here, thank you.
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Acceptissima Semper Munera Sunt, Auctor Quae Pretiosa Facit.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.
Mea Mihi Conscientia Pluris Est Quam Omnium Sermo
Amicitiae Nostrae Memoriam Spero Sempiternam Fore
Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
Vir Prudens Non Contra Ventum Mingit.
Malum Sed Mulliere, Sed Necessarium Malum
Posside Sapientiam, Quia Auro Melior Est
Aut Tace Aut Loquere Meliora Silentio
Multo Autem Ad Rem Magis Pertinet Quallis Tibi Vide Aris Quam Allis
ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
certum est quod certum reddi potest
deus dat incrementum
eluceat omnibus lux
ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
certum est quod certum reddi potest
deus dat incrementum
eluceat omnibus lux
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